born again by Design: So tell me...

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

So tell me...

PPD today we met Catherine at Central St' Martins and then set out to tackle the ever daunting approach to step foot in different Design studios in and around Clerkenwell. 
Carla and myself headed out, and lucky for us she was our 'walking 'n talking' map of Clerkenwell (once a student at St' Martins) so who needed an iPhone in this case!! 
We stopped and buzzed at our first but with no avail so we walked on to our 2nd
choice, FourFeet we spoke with Edward who was very kind
in answering our questions, even though we went out with only one how could we not want to ask more being inquisitive students that we are... Edward was fortunate and worked in a design studio before attending university so when he graduated it was familiar ground for him when he returned to the real world.
Then we headed to our next choice purely chosen for it's name sake: Small Japanese Soldier (the sister company of Clinic) and I have to say it was an absolute pleasure going there, I couldn't help but to absorb in the shades of colours and shapes everywhere in this space we walked into! Dean and Steve sat with us to answer our question/s and we were shown the 'big board'! Interesting! I saw one of their discussing/brainstorming tables and with it were different colour chairs - I wonder if they represent 'The Six Thinking Hats'... And THEN they showed us the studio which was just oozing with a captivating creative buzzzzzzzzz!!!! 

Today was a great experience, I always feel very nervous approaching Design studios but we just had to remind ourselves they will definitely not bite - in fact totally opposite - everyone was super helpful and friendly!
What we took away with us today from just a few minute visit with FourFeet and Small Japanese Soldier was a great opener for the near future! 

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